The Invisible Powers


There are invisibles powers that are at work in the universe. And some of those powers can help you to achieve greatness. You can access your own greatness and achieve the life you want by using these powers. The Theatrical Archetypes are just a few of those Invisible Powers that are there for you.


The Actor Archetype is the face of your life production. It’s the part of you that reflects how you show up or not in your life. There are two aspects to consider; the first represents the taking or not taking of action, more specifically the how and why you Be or Not Be. ‘To Be or Not to Be’. Or in other words, ‘To Act or Not to Act’. The idea which relates to the value of your actions and their worth toward achieving certain desired results.


The Director Archetype is your guide. Your Personal Inner Life Coach. Directing more of the how and not so much the where, yet with the intention on the where. The Director helps guide you in taking back control of the direction of your life through specific methods.


The Producer Archetype is a leader. Excelling in both self-leadership as well as leading others. The producer knows how to employ and build success supporting teams and has excellent communication skills that influences development. The Producer is the Torchbearer, leading the way and holding the vision, Purpose and Why alive. Here you look at letting non-supportive influences go and acquiring teams, co-stars/actors that only support your growth and ambitions. The producer humbly accepts the fact that he can’t do it alone and seeks precise assistance.


The Writer Architype is the discoverer, creator, and evaluator. And is the writer of the scripts or story that has been, is and will become your life. There are three basic scripts that tell the story of your life from start to finish. Your First Script or Back Story, your Second Script, and Third Life Script.                                                                         Change your story, change your life?


There are 12 basic Personality Arechtypes that dictate our behaviours. Those archetypes are inherant in each and every one of us. We tap into and express ourselves through all of them at some point in some way in our lifetime. These Personality Arechypes are a powerful tool to helping you see strenghts and weaknesses, tap into unused ones that are available to us, and learn which ones get in our way to becoming our best and most powerful selves.