
Theatrics of Success and Ikigai work to align your true sense of self to succeed. There is a funny word in Japanese that I like, it’s Ikigai (iki (live) and gai (cause)). Ikigai is a Japanese concept that refers to something that gives you a sense of purpose, a reason for living. It is considered a necessary to the principle of well-being and has it root in traditional Japanese medicine. Ikigai defines your reason for being and doing but not in a general lifelong mission or universal for all people. More focused on your choices for everyday living. It’s calls to answer your action toward questions like, what change do you want to see. In the world, what makes you forget to eat, what are you willing to do without pay?

Finding and Keeping the Balance

Theatrics of Success and Ikigai are about self-mastery. A holistic approach to finding the ways that are aligned with you for your best life.

Love: Something that you love. In this space you feel dedicated and involved to the point that you are so present in the moment of doing for these things that you forget about the whole world.

World Needs: Your pursuit makes a difference. You don’t need to change the world, but it would change someone’s world or someone’s life.

Pays you well: We ask what you would do without pay, however life doesn’t run without money. And the truth is as much as money won’t bring happiness, it does help in providing needs and certain joys that help and weeds out worry.

Good at: What are you good at? Seeing results of your hard work and getting gratification, overcoming obstacles and reaching new heights are important and bring us happiness. This is more easily achieve through being able to more effectively apply yourself through things you are good at.

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